When I recommend to other women that they try weight training to improve their tri times I am often met with the response "I don't want to bulk up." These same types think that doing yoga or Pilates is all the strength training they need. And that is exactly why I consistently beat these fools. The fact is that it is very rare for women to bulk up from a few 40 minute sessions in the gym each week. The strength we build is on the interior of the muscle. If bulking up is really a problem for you, you can totally avoid it by doing high reps, low weight. 
Failure to weight train can result in dangerous muscular imbalances. I believe that working the hip abductors can prevent ITB syndrome. A simple exercise you can do is lay on your side and simply lift the upper leg. Repeat 30 times for 3 sets. If this is too easy strap on a weight or a can of soup. Don't forget to work the inner thigh as well.
And if you're dying for big muscles to prove that you've been working hard, here's something you can try.
You certainly seem hardcore. Um, do you win your races or just place...or worse yet...age group?
I bet I win more than you, loser who can't even share your tru identity!
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