Friday, June 1, 2007


After a grueling week of training to prepare for my half ironman on Sunday, I decided I deserved a treat. No, not a slice of cherry cheesecake. But something very girlie. A new outfit! Since I'm not 30 yet, I decided to go for it and get a trikini. Sayonara farmer tan! Hello Hawaiian Tropic! I predict I will cause men to blow themselves up when they try to follow me in my new black racing bikini (black to match my bike!). The briefs really show off my powerful legs. I admit that I came very close to getting the Brazilian briefs, but then I found out that they don't have a chamois and aren't practical for training.

One big problem with triathlons is that a lot of tri outfits aren't flattering to women. Granted, many pros look like men anyway, so it doesn't matter. And the other half of female triathletes are fat or at least have huge dimpled thighs. I've found that trisuits are built to flatter only these two body types. But for those of us with hot femme bods that we want to show off, there aren't a lot of options. Now I'm even more excited for my race on Sunday. I'd better start prepping my race bag!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How many ounces of Haterade are you drinking?

Maybe this time you can do this race without "tripping" over someone else's bike.