Wednesday, May 16, 2007

New Baby!

Today I acquired a special new tool. It's a used bike - some funky old brand that I imagine some pro using back in the 90s (Nishiki actually). Why would I need a used tri bike when I own the lightest most aero steed around? Because this is going to be my double secret probation training tool. You see, old bikes were heavier, but not heavy enough. I've taken off the seat tube and the stem and I'm going to fill the hollow part of the bike with sand. Then I'll trick it out with some clip ons and a tri-specific seat. HA! By moving the seat forward slightly I will be able to duplicate my tri position exactly. After training on that heavy stallion riding my tri bike (the Black Ninja) will feel like flying. I haven't weighed it because I need to go to the beach to get sand, but I expect it to weigh about 36.5 lbs. Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

ya, like you can "duplicate your tri position EXACTLY" on an old POS bike.

Your blog is a joke, like you.

Trigal said...

Obviously the comments of some bitter poster I beat in a race!